An Indian Wedding in America
Friends, I present to you a picture story from an Indian wedding I attended in California some time back .I had never been to a wedding of folks who have been born and brought up in America and are for all practical purposes American.Aakash and Neena Patel's wedding was an interesting fusion of typical Gujrati-Indian wedding and an American wedding .

The Wedding ceremony and some pre wedding ceremonies
I did not have pictures of dandia and garba and dinner on the eve of the wedding .But they were so much fun.It was a day wedding(mostly an American practice)and the pictures are of various ceremonies throughout the day
1)Pooja,ceremonies and dancing at the Groom's camp before he mounted the ghodi and left to marry his beloved.
2)Welcoming Akash -by Neena's mom ,sister, cousins and other relatives
3))Ganesh Poojan
3)Antar Patt & Mangalashtakum- worshipping the five elements (fire, earth, water ,air & light )
4)Neena's Arrival-escorted by her maternal uncles , Neena walked to the wedding alter set by the beautiful backdrop of a flowing stream.
5)Hasta Melap(joing of hands) & Kanyadaan(giving away the daughter)
6)Mangal Phera (the 4 circles) unlike the seven pheras in a typical North Indian wedding.
7)Saptapadi (the seven vows)
8)Mangalsutra ,Sindoor & Exchanging rings
9)Ashirwaad(family blessings)
10)Vidai(Farewell to the daughter)

Reception at Grand Ballroom at the Hyatt Hotel
The reception evening was spectacular and full of anticipation as 500 guests arrived to see Mr.& Mrs. Patel for the first time .There was a stage set for the newly wed couple, their parents and siblings & respective spouses.
The Ball Room was divided into 2 halves ..the groom's and the bride's family and freinds and there were two giant screens on both sides to screen the couples love story .The evening was wonderfully anchored by a Master of cermonies.There were numerous speeches, first dance , the father-daughter and the mother son dance .There was wonderful food and wine and in the end there was dancing , the perfect end to a great evening.

Souvenirs from the Wedding
The wedding souveniers are dandia sticks , a lovely little hand fan ,dainty water bottles with the bride-groom's version of how they met and heart shaped cholcates with compliments from the bride and groom.
Hey Mohit ,
I havent seen other weddings in the US ..guess they must all be elaborate ..this one was more than than the average and the way everyhting was orgnaised was wonderful ..
yes indian weddings rock :-)
thanks for visiting ....the reason I couldnt put in another entry was because I am juggling between a full time job and my MBA exams ...
nice pictures! :-) and very well explained, comprehensive, in steps... dikh raha hai ki you are studying big time! :P
Hey Mohit,
whatever gyaan i can give:-)
hey aparna ,
yeah step by step...but the part about studying big time aint true ...its only a attempt to study big time far:-)
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