He loves me ..he loves me not .

I have been tagged for many things ..words, books,movies etc.I have mostly not been able to return the favor but this time I could'nt resist responding.I was tagged by Aparna and Sudip for a 55 word story and here are my two cents.
Here goes.
Fifteen days went by without a phone or email.She thought of him and wondered if there really was anything between them. She loved him and thought he did as well ...Or...Maybe not. Anxiety and sadness enveloped her .Suddenly the phone rang. It was him ,"Did you miss me sweetie?" She smiled .All was well.
Continuing the great tradition I tag Paro,Gangadhar and Mohit :)
oh! that was so sweet! :-) it seems all too familiar :P
thanks sanity starved :)
hey aparna ,
yeah thats a sweet story ..its familiar to me too..its my story:P
Good job!
hey Mohit,
do you sound cynical here ?:-)
hey Parth
:) yes that right gangadhar
mohit ..u are 24..you dont have too much to be cyncial about ..but I can understand the part about the teen lovestory;)
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