Laughter ...still the best medicine

I have always heard "Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone"
Its true .As a kid I needed no reason to breaks into peals of laughter or giggle uselessly .I was a happy child and everything gave me reason to laugh..From Pj's and customary chat/gossip sessions with the family,to mimicing and impersonating others,sharing secrets with close freinds,reading joke books to myself,playing with dolls,going for picnics,doing any and all fun stuff ...I think children are like that .They feel happy with small things and their world is truly miniscule .Their joy needs and knows no bounds ..
Fast forward many many years today's world world..where problems-real,imaginary and self inflicted abound and have taken away the simple pleasures of life ...Everyone including me is sceptical,worried and apprehensive of what lies ahead.
Laughter now resides somewhere in the deep crevices of my being and resurfaces from time to time but with much coaxing ...and not with the child like abandon it once did ...I smile but need comedy clubs ,cocktails,"the tonight show with Jon Stewart" and sometimes even "freinds" to unleash my funny,uninhibited side ..too much, just too much on the mind ...
Reconnecting to the child in me would be good,the child who once,not only laughed herself but infected all around her with it,laughing till her sides seemed like they would split .
Yes it would be good ..Wouldnt it? So Laugh ,PEOPLE!!
Well said!!
Laughing is indeed a cure for many types of disease man has picked up over time! Not only does laughing save man from various problems but it also extendz ones life…
Its always said that a man who laughs his worries out lives longer than the one who cries over his problems..
I guess it should be ones duty to laugh and make others laugh around oneself… Meenal what u said that in todays world u have to face problems and stuff is quiet true.. but its not necessary that u keep groaning about all the problems one is facing and getting worried about it, situations can be dealt in various manners! One should look for the Best one!
yeah, a good laugh is good for oneself... laughter and good company... i havent laughed the side-splitting laugh in a long while either :-)
hello hello everyone ........
aodz ..yes dude iam looking to be someone who can reconnect with her inner child and laugh just because I want to and not because I need to or for any other reason ...
yeah moon,when we meet maybe we could share a side splitting laugh over some stupid girly jokes :-)
hey suds ...
dude where have u been ? we should talk soemtime ...and thanks for coming to my blog visit more often:-)
hey gangadhar ..very nice song there .........and yes Iam learning to laugh on myself works :-)
flirting felicity ..
thanks for visiting
tarun ..thank you for laughing out loud
well i laugh all the time....sometimes on people and mostly on myself...i kinda support your point of connecting with the child in you...
after a much contemplating i ll say we do waste a lot of cheerful present in the worries of unknown tomorrow.
hey thanks pinkcy..
hello prophet,
is this the curbside prophet ..also known as RTD2 ...
wonder why the anonymity ?:)
people grow old not because they grow older in yrs ,its because they jade, become sceptical and loose the touch with their inner child ..
thanks for visiting
Hey first time here it was a gr88 post and it made me smile so u do have a start of ur infecting the world with ur laughter bit :-)
hey rohan
thanks for visiting ..iam glad you liked the post :-)
hey suds ..
havent had the time to post..busy spending time with my brother who's visiting from germany:-)
wil try and do so soon..what have you been upto?
well reason for anonymity is quite stupid...and i won't tell you that....but what exactly anonymity refers here....just NOT writing a blog in the your name?? ... i used to write the blog in the name of prophet :)
so just thought should write it like that.....
ki holo madam, aajkaal kothaye? :-)
hello ji!!!
ki haaal hai hows it going on at home... u dont come online at all these days kya hua busy again?
what is it this time.....
how is pankaj doing what about uma?
chal then take care
just came in to say HI!!!
Laughter is the best weapon.. I feel.. it helps you revive yourself.. it helps you see the inner you.. it helps to heal.. :)
First time here. Its really worth a try to dig out what has been seemed to be lost - happiness. good post :)
hello prophet ,
I have no problems with you maintaining anonymity ...I confused you with someone else who writes with the name of curbside prophet..hence the question
hey aodz,
no excuse ..just living life and keeping busy ..every body is fine are you ?
hi sai thilak ,
thanks for visiting and glad you liked the post
thanks ..that was a really nice post :)
Lovely post! In my case most "problems" are self inflicted ... so yes ... that child like abandon would be gr8 to have...
hey sd ,
thanks ! Iam hoping I will find the guts tells me its a lost cause
"Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone"
Laughter sure is a best medicine in da doubt. The only reason I try to bring humour on my blog is to smile myself and give up all those sad memories I carry with me.
Nice one :)
thanks arzoon
hey!!! when did this place come alive.... i thought it was long dead and buried!
anyway... now that u're back... lets together laugh away to glory :)
p.s. my blog url has changed... update ur blogroll
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