Just.......Do it !!

by: yours truly
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER." (Mark Twain)
Yes I think its always a good idea to seize life by the horns , look it in the eye and take it where you want to go and not be led by it .Otherwise it ceases to be a wonderful journey .And turns into just another dull, humdrum cyclical routine of following more routines........and before I know my life will be over and I would have done nothing , gone nowhere, been nobody ,just another speck of dirt who led a pointless existence..
They say "If I want to go nowhere ,I can be sure of reaching my destination " ..So I want to challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone ..and explore, dream and discover.
Do you??
Nice work, and even nicer attitude to boot :-)
Nice Posts. Easier said than done.Very few have courage in their convictions and even fewer act on this courage. Just close your eyes...and leap. You'll soar, or else you'll croak. But at least you'd have tried.
BTW...Chitrangada Singh is awesome, almost as good as SP.
you know, i really needed this, right now! very inspiring... thanks! :-)
thanks parth
chappan or sourin ...
which one shud i call you ?;-) thanks ..how did you land on my posts ....
yes easier said than done which is why Iam saying it now and aspire to do it sometime ...Iam more confident that I will sore for iam not the croaking variety.
I like Chitrangada Singh ...but not enough to know that she's awesome but I look forward to see more of her work .Smita patil had a huge repertoire from which we can safely conclude that she was awesome ..
anyhow thanks much ...again!!
Hi Aparna ,
happy to be of any assistance sweetheart :)
I was reading Greatbong's link visa desipundit and your comments on his post. Thats how I got to your site which was refreshing.
I wish you the very best for new endeavors and yes you shall soar. Thanks for your wishes to the lil one
thanks Gangadhar ...
hey sourin
thanks a ton
I just wish, that when I am on my deathbed, I can die easy, because I lived :)
hello robin
i guess thats what all of nus would aspire to do...a life lived with no regrets ....
hi check this out ;)
Am here from Aparna's and Parth's blogs. Lovely work there!
Loved the painting :)
hey pallavi
thanks ..and welcome to my blog
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