Picture this ...A human bun ..fresh from the oven :-) puckered face ,teeny toes and fingers , closed eyes ....(yes take it in and exhale!!) there's more ......ready???
A huge set of lungs and perfection combined ..announcing her arrival to the world ,instantly tugging at your heartstrings,choking you up ,forging new bonds,giving new hope.Such a tiny individual capable of changing people's lives and roles forever ..making them responsible , apprehensive ,estatic and SELFLESS at the same time. HOW CAN THAT BE ?? I cannot fathom it still.
I am yet to see a single baby thats not beautiful... black,white,brown,yellow, all adorable ,arriving helpless into the world , making better people out of their parents (for the most part)and others who are close and love them.
Have'nt seen many kids upclose, except this little girl I talk about .My niece,my favorite kid in the world..Uma ... She came into this world on feb 25th ,2000 and I saw her for the first time at a month old. Still recall that day.As she slept, she had this benign,placid and innocent expression on her little face.It took my heart away and I was hooked to her ..for life !!!
As her aunt I have seen her all her life from one month old to now ,when shes 5 ..A lot has changed ..
From a bawling , toothless , beautiful baby ....she changed into to an infant who lit up everyones life around her with her sweet smile ,broken words and huge eyes..eyes that convey her every expression , that pierce the soul and that show she's a happy a toddler who ,though challenged with words asserted herself through things she did ;her first steps ,single baby steps that grew to something like the ambling of a little duck without balance.... to ages 3and 4 where she started amassing multiple words in her vocabulary and throwing us into a tizzy almost everyday ,she transformed into an independant little lady who could sleep alone in her room without getting scared ,take a bath and eat all by herself and help her mommy and say to me "Nu mashi ..iam not a small kid anymore , iam medium kid " (Hilarious?? you bet.) age 5 where she is articulate , smart ,freindly ,expresses varied emotions like happiness , anger ,indignation ,hurt .Shes keenly learns new stuff like a sponge absorbing as much as you let it ,has never ending questions,reads books ,is glued to the TV when she watches cartoons,draws and paints ...wait ! makes projects with me..phew !!!
Wish I could bottle her innocence forever because I know she'll be grown up soon and before we know will be headed to school and college ..It strange how time always flies when one is having fun .Yes, she has singlehandedly brought a lot of joy and fun in my life ...
These pictures show Uma's METAMORPHOSIS and they fascinate me ...

At 1 month

Uma at 7 months

Uma at 1

uma at 2

Uma at 3

Uma at 4

uma as she looks now at 5

UMA , your Nu Mashi loves you and experiences what it would like to be mom through you ...vicariously :-)
Thanks little one!!
You should put your own metamorphosis photos too ... ages 1-??
Uma is beautiful Meenal! Lovely pics! love the ones of her at age 2 and 3 :-)
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She is lovely, you are lucky
parth ,
pictures not available ..they are back in india with folks
thanks gangadhar ..i love her too
thx aparna..yes, she is favorite ..her picture at 3
hey paro ..
yes iam lucky
hehhe .. now anonymous b can make his wise ass comments too :)
That was wonderful.. She has grown too soon .. I like her best when whe was 3 ... :) I have been an aunt a couple of times and its the best feeling.. to spoil the nieces and nephews.. :) the rest is taken care of by moms.. hahah !!
hey pallavi,
yeah kids grow up soon and they are incredible fun especailly because their aprents take care of them and we get ot have more fun with them
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