Melody unlimited

benaroya hall 14th may2005

the performance

Its ironical ...I had always heard and seen the legendary virtuoso,Ravi shankar's performances and concerts on tv in India and but its here,in the US of A that I finally saw him in concert.May,14th 2005 was an enchanting evening filled with music,melody and pride.
Fighting all the traffic we reached Benaroya hall just in time .Acoustically and aesthetically its a masterpiece.The evening took on high gear when the Bharat Ratna winner/Nobel peace prize nominee) was ushered onto the stage accompanied by his daughter Anoushka ,two of his disciples and Tanmoy Bose on Tabla .The hall was soon resounding with endless applause and a standing ovation .Pandit Ravi Shankar who is pushing 85 was a study in white,with a serene expression on his face ,a gentle voice ;he epitomised fraility and yore.His 23 yr old daughter was a striking contrast in her red outfit ,youthfulness and vibrance .She shares a close resemblance with her father and I did not miss the tenderness and pride in her eyes as she helped her old dad on stage .
I was spell bound by the music and watched with sheer joy the father-daughter jugalbandi.Their music had power,soul,sweetness and lots of intricacy with fantastic range which they displayed as they played raag maru Bihaag (rupak taal),raag kirvani (teen taal),raag majKhamaj(an evening rag in semi clasical form )amongst other compositions.
I did not realise when the evening ended to another standing ovation and more applause .I felt pride and glory even though it was only "reflected glory" .
How did you get this picture? Of course, as we have already discussed, I had a tragedy the same evening at the Ghulam Ali concert. I envy you :-(
yeah I lucked out I think and pictures ..well ,well :)
Mmm this Ravi Shankar isnt the Nobel prize nominee.....its the guru Ravi Shankar.
hmm ..Greatbong, the program said that he has been nominated for the 2005 Nobrl Peace Prize ..who's Guru Ravi shankar?
yeah Gangadhar..i dont listen to him regularly but I can appreciate hs music
I remember doing an article on the Art of Living Ravi Shankar... I was amused with the whole thing, more so that everyone including him addressed him as Sri Sri... so, I deliberately, being a 20-year old stubborn you-know-what, put in one Sri only. I was mightily disappointed there was no hate mail after that... sigh...
Oh... and just to clear the confusion here... the Nobel Peace Prize is only open category among all the Nobel prizes, so every Tom, Dick and Harry gets nominated.
BOTH the maestro Ravi Shankar and Art of Living Ravi Shankar got nominated. Well, Bono (of U2) and General Perves Musharaff is also among the 166 :D
And, of course, Yasser Arafat, the "Noble Father of Terrorism" has actually won it! Ha!
Amen! I rest my case! :D
hey gangdhar ,thanks for all the info..that was helpful:-)
pidus ..i can imagine as ..... ,indignant 20 yr old adding only 1 Sri instead of 2 ..I kind of wonder , does adding 2 srees increase the "divinity"and "holiness" of a person ..I would perhaps have done just one sri
oh yeah , the lack of hate mail is surprising ...wonder what happened?:)
pidud I forgot to add "you " in the last comment ..I didnt know Pervz Musharaff was up for the prize are kidding me way!!
Yes, Pervez did get nominated as well :D
oh my god , what is this world coming to:)?
did you ever catch Pearl Jam on their annual Benaroya Hall pilgrimage?
hey S!
nope I havent , not much of a fan :)
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