Secret to success

This morning I had nothign better to do so I was took this test and I was tickled pink with the results..still laughing
The test tells me ,my secret to success is my being Proactive !!!
Read on .....
You are a born leader with a take-charge attitude. Unlike many people who believe problems will simply go away if you give them enough time, you're one to tackle the obstacles in your path head-on.
Part of being proactive means you can aggressively anticipate the future and work to shape it according to your desires. You don't wait for things to happen; you make things happen, which is why you also tend to find yourself in a position of responsibility.
Also, because of your quick mind and ability to strategize, you can keep yourself two steps ahead of everyone else when it comes to executing plans or anticipating future actions. These characteristics help you rise to positions of authority where others can more fully appreciate your drive and direction.
and to think I didnt know .. I wonder why do these quizzes tell us stuff we almost always know ...
what are you ??
You should have just asked me :P
Call me and I will elaborate too! lol
I agree. You are the queen of proactiveness...perhaps should do a case study on you ;D kidding :P (i hope you have gotten used to my weird sense of humour by now)
Aparna, your secret to success is your Positive Attitude
Every cloud has a silver lining. And more than most, you see the truth in that. When your car breaks down, you get locked out of your house, or you have a tight deadline at work, you don't let it get you down. In fact, you usually try to see the bright side of unpleasant situations.
You're able to keep an eye on your goals and figure out a way to achieve them without getting bogged down by obstacles or negative thinking. With your sense of humor and positive outlook, you're able to keep the mood light and find something to learn from. And your future looks bright because of it! But you already thought that. Congrats!
yay!!! somebody thinks i am positive! :D :D and yay...meenal joins the quiz bandwagon! i guess the only thing that i 'positively' agree on is the sense of humour part :P
It was rewarding you for taking the test before the test came knocking at your door. Maybe I should take it too. It'll be fun to hear some nice things about myself :-)
hey pidus ..u mean you will elaborate on my proactive nature ..oh yeah sure :P When do I call for an appointment for ?lol
hmm aparna ..u need to elaborate on that dig you made at me .On me being the queen of "proactiveness" :) .Yeah I shall call you too for an appointment so you can get some data and do a case study on me .
Congrats !! you are positive and have a sense of humor:P ..did it say a weird sense of humor;P?
Gangadhar ...I agree ,life isnt much without goals .I shudder at the thought of dragging on from day to day without no goals to acheive in site .Iam definitely a goal oreinted person.
As they say "the first to letters of the word goal spell "go "".
What were your results for the test?
Parth ,
ofcourse it rewarded me by telling myself what I know already :P
Yeah let me know what your results were .
Aparna ,
yeah U 'r site addicted me to quizzes .I joined the bandwagon long ago:) glad that i was the catalyst! :D
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