Its been quite a while since I visited this space.No matter how busy I got or how other things commanded my attention I have always needed to be here and say what was on my mind ..As always there was a deluge of thoughts.....So ,I started thinking about something as basic as days of the week ....sun, mon,tue,wed,thur,fri, sat........Ah !! 7 ... There's my blog entry:-)
Now there's a long list of sevens 7 continents , 7wonders of the world ,7 vows of marriage,the 7deadly sins(pride, envy,gluttony ,lust,anger,greed ,sloth),
7 virtues(humility,kindness,abstinence,chastity, patience,liberality, diligence),7 corporal works of mercy (feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, give shelter to strangers, clothe the naked, visit the sick, minister the prisoners, bury the dead),7 gods for the Egyptians, 7 heavens for the Moslems, 7 angels for the Parsees, 7 sacred horses , for the Persians,the moon changes phase every 7 days,7 colors of the rainbow and the 7 musical notes of the diatonic scale (do, re, me, fa, so, la, te).
And then I stumbled across the most important 7's of all.........The 7 stages of grief .Important ?? Why?? Well, because I did not know grief existed in stages and those too 7 ......So.....What is it ??
Grief is a "deep, prolonged mental anguish over a loss" and has multiple causes ..So anything from experiencing homesickness, death of a loved one,friend , divorce ..to ...loss of health, mobility ,freedom, freindships,home or possessions can lead to grief.It's is recognized to have 7 stages :
(1) Shock :or Disbelief that the loss has occurred.
(2) Denial :is the stage in which the person refuses to accept the loss has occurred. (
3) Bargaining:this involves attempts to reconcile the loss by making deals with other people, sometimes also with deity.
(4) Guilt is marked by statements of "if only I had done/been . . . ".
(5) Anger is a natural stage everyone must pass. Anger may be directed toward the loss, the person lost, or even deity.
(6) Depression :this stage comes and goes throughout the grief process. Resignation at the end of the depression indicates that the truth of the loss has been accepted and the person is ready to move on.
(7) Acceptance and Hope means that you understand your life will never be the same but it will go on with meaning and hope
Why did I not know this ...Because I thought it was all the same..One long process, no stages ...Have I gone through these 7 stages??..You betchya ....Have I moved on from depression to hope and acceptance ??......hmm!! Yes because there is no life without hope , ever!!
Some people make recoveries from grief sooner ,others take time , some others; they don't really get over it ..just keep vacillating between the 7 stages...Me,I could never put my life in limbo because of grief came into my life and it didn't somehow go the way I thought it would........ WHY ?? because ......
" Grief is the agony of an instant, the indulgence of grief the blunder of a life"
So indulge life and love ..not GRIEF .
Wow! I was just researching all the things about "100!!" I, of course, didn't find enough interesting things to put up a post.
But, 7 stages of grief... Nice :-)
Yes, will call :D
thanks dude ..yes my mind it rambles and i stuck upon the number 7..thought would make an interesting enough post
awesome post! loved it! i didnt know this either - that grief is supposed to be in 7 stages!
And this is very very strange, i have partially written a post titled '100' for my next post!! :D
good to see you back minu :-)
thanks sweetheart:-) pidus was also thinking of 100 ...this is eerie :)
kaimon achish? catch up with u soon
hey suds ..thanks for stopping by and liking the post ...
keep visiting:-)
7 is also a rather important number in the Harry Potter series, if that is of any consequence :-)
:) ddnt know parth..enlighten me ...
reminds me of the 'where are you today' thing I had up in my closet for the longest time, only it had five stages...
well written :)
hey gangadhar ,
thanks and yeah I did forget the 7 dwarfs..how could I? Damn!!!
Bday its not even been 4 months since my bday went by so iam not all that keen on another one:-)
pm ..
thanks but whats with the anonymity ..do i know u or do i not know u :P?
pm likes her privacy
alright so be it pm ...
Nice post! And very innspiring as always!
thanks sd. I did not know you found some of the other posts inspiring.
where did u get the info!
its a real nice post i must say!!!
i really cant say if i could totally agreee on the point or not... but i do want to know where did u get the info from...
any how ! how r u doing these days.... whats happening very busy all the time!!
oi get the new wall paper from my blog page!!!
BY the way happy independence day !!!
hey aodz,
u dont agree with what point..that there are 7 stages of grief??
I got this info from various sources..some I knew already, some I didnt .
Iam doign well , yeah usy but wel .What about you ?
happy independence day to you too:-)
hullo ? no more blog entries ?
hey bmm,
had tonnes of stuff to do, have many many entries on the anvil
Grief is the agony of an instant; the indulgence of grief the blunder of a life.....
hey avik
thanks for visiting..not sure here what you are trying to say ..merely repeating the quote i put up in the entry
lisa ,
hey ..what is your comment all about here ?
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