Got answers, Santa ??

"You better watch out , You better not cry ,
You better not howl ,Iam telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town "
One of my favorite Christmas carols , this time I look forward to singing it with my 5 yr old niece . Christmas is around the corner and its time for her to make that trip to the mall and ask Santa some questions ...
Here's what a conversation between her and Santa would sound like
"What if there is no chimney ??"
Santa : If a house does not have a chimney, then I use some of my magic dust to make a chimney appear. Then the chimney disappears as soon as I leave.
"What's your favorite food ?"
Santa:My most favorite are cookies, but I'll eat just about anything that you like and that you leave for me on Christmas Eve.
"How do the reindeer fly?"
Santa :They eat special corn that makes them fly.
" How does Santa get all the toys into the sleigh at one time ?
Santa :Actually, my red toy sack is magical in that it is bottomless and continues to stay full until has made all his deliveries to all the children around the world.
"where do you get your red suit?"
Santa "My wife sews it for me "
"Why is your suit red?"
Santa : SoI wouldnt get lost in the snow.
"Will you always bring what I ask for ?"
Santa : Sometimes Santa thinks that what you ask for may not be the best gift for you, so he may give you something you will enjoy better.
" Do you really read all the letters you get ?"
Santa: Yes, each and every one.
"Well , thankyou Santa, I cant wait to see all the gifts you get me ."
Santa :Why , little one you are welcome .take care and God bless.Be good nowand BIG HUG!!
Santa Claus is coming to town ..HO.HO .HO !!!
Adapted from (
Meanwhile ,here's some of my Christmas cooking with a twist
great post Meenal, khub bhalo laglo !
Merry Christmas & Happy 2006 !!!
hey avik,
tomake bhalo laglo ,jene onek bhalo laglo ...
ekhaane ki ore pohuncole?
welcome to my blog ...Merry Xmas and a happy New yr
I thought the last question will be what did I write in my letter? :)
sanity starved ,
first of all , I got directed to the biblical/religious site when I clicked on your name ...You have got to fix that
Second ,to answer your last question .....she talks to Santa at the mall, remember ..doesnt write to him :)
achcha, unrelated, why havent you put up the promised link of your foodblog here on the left hand side navigation bar, yet?!
Uma will have some additions to it. Apparentl, she went to see santa yesterday, and she didn't ask for anything ( it was crowed mommy.. there were too many people!)
aparna ,
I will:)
paro ,
so no demands other than the blue and purple,,or was it green unicorn??
Comeon now:)
very nice...I am impressed...never knew about your culinary skills before....
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