Rainier, Rainier
I love Mount rainier .At 14,410ft its a humungous natural "fixture" in Washington and what a lovely fixture it is .Covered in pristine white snow it can be daunting,calm,dangerous and breath takingly beautiful, all at the same time .
I see it from my bedroom window and from my living room every day.Now that's what one would call a view .
Here 's the mountain in its different avatars.

Rainier reflected in Tipsoo Lake

The mountain overseeing Tacoma

Rainier as seen from University of Washington

Rainier as seen from one of the trails

Sunset at Rainier
awesome pics! :-)
woooooooff. took my breath away
thanks Aparna ,
i agree, I espeacilly love the first 3 pics
Raven ,
hello and welcome to my blog...yes rainier , takes my breath away too:) its lovely
dunno how i reached here but have been here for quite some time now. dont comment generally though.
raven , I see ..whys that...
not good enough to comment?:)
I feel good about where I am right now :)
Very nice!
hey gangadhar
yeah you should feel good , this place is beautiful ..very picture postcard like ... we take it for granted , in my humble opinion...
I love Mt rainier ...
Wow these are some really nice pictures!! double wow for the first shot!
Bumped into this post trying to find where I should reply your comment, seeing you reply in the same comment window I will go back to my blogspace and reply there :)
lovely view in your place
The Mt Rainier reflection is an awesome photograph. Did you take the photo yourself. What do you use as equipment for the digital photos.
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