
Mom and Dad
Iam not sure what it feels like when one becomes a parent ...but if my parents and my sister are any indication , my guess is I will love my child to death .Yes ,I think I will .
Have always heard " What children take from parents , they give. Parents become people who feel more deeply, question more deeply, hurt more deeply, and love more deeply" and believe that to be true in what I have seen ...Parents who love their kids (and I say this because all chidren are not so lucky) are actually as selfless as they come .I have known two such folks all my life and Iam sure so have all of you out there.
Its less than a month before I leave for India and I was missing my mom and my dad.We are 3 siblings and I spent the longest time with the folks , so I like tobelievee that I understand them a tad better (which ofcourse is not true) and have forged a little more of a bond with them.
Being away for almost 4 yrs from them with only one visit in between has suddenly made me so nostalgic and also realise that I was suffering from the"ghar ki murgi daal barabar" syndrome.Distance has ofcourse made the heart grow fonder and I hang to the million-zillion memories that I have of them and always recall how they are so instrumental in the person Iam today.
I once wrote a tribute to my mom and mailed it to her ...She was so touched , she couldnt find the words ..So she took a printout of my mail and has it amongst her treasured belongings .Even today if I sat down and started talking no amount paper would be enough.There's just too much to say .
So, no long letters this time , just a poem for you , ma and dad :-)
I may no longer be that little child who always Wanted another hug or minute with you But I still miss you when we are apart.
I may no longer need your hand for every step I take But I still need your acceptance and support of everything I do.
I may not be that little child who asked For all the things I ever wanted in the world But that's because long ago you taught me How to go after my dreams.
I may no longer be that little child who Looked to you to share every hurt, smile and tear But I still feel like that child whenever I think of you
I'll always love you, Mom and Dad, With the heart of that little child Grown to love you only more
Love & See you both soon ....