Digital Enhancement .....OR....lack of it ...PART I
"Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder " Sure it does ...
But tell me why is this world then obsessed with beauty at such a superficial level ..why do we only look and lust after beautiful ,sexy people,toned bodies and abs ? Why are the perfect celebrities then(perfect only physically though)so obsessed with getting themselves airbrushed and digitally enhanced even at their size 0's and 2's (I'm talking the female celebrities here).
Why this endeavor to be dangerouly thin and more PERFECT ??
Don't know ..I guess the answer is because their face and their bodies are their bread and butter and nobody particularly cares to look at an overweight or obese celebrity .Sad? YES!! Pressure? YES!! Unfair? YES!! Superficial ?? Hell YES!!!
I wonder if these folks ever entertain the thought of packing on the pounds and letting themselves go just to relax a little bit seeing how people react (and this mind you is not thier roles demanding it)
I can bet ........the reaction cant be good because the public does not care to see the beauty in these minds , only on their bodies and the visage, also then they would loose their million dollars salaries in a heartbeat.
This morning I came across some hilarious pictures and I will present them in 3 parts ..these are pictures of women who are superstars and known around the world for their beauty,sex appeal,talent ... I could not have for the life of me imagined that these women could look this unappealing..ever !!! Why?? Because its just unimaginable
Well, see for yourself .These pictures have been digitally enhanced to make them look like they packed on the pounds ...too many pounds, I think.
Alyssa Milano :

Check out this petite stunner from poison ivy , and the Television series Charmed. No she doesnt look like a stunner,at all.
Angelina Jolie

This absolutely gorgeous woman, with tonnes of attitude, currently the fair and the sexier half of Brangelina . How do you think she looks? Nah! Not sexy , more like a fridge raider.
Britney Spears

This super star and teeny bopper who does 400 sit ups a day...Look good to you ??Not to me .
Catherine Zeta Jones

There's only word for Catherine and that's would be STUNNING .I cannot imagine her like this.Can you?
Halle Berry

This beautiful woman who gets sexier every year is inconceivable like this .What do you think?
Kelly Minogue

Like fine wine,this woman keeps getting better every year and epitomises sexy .But this and her??A big no.

This belle dancing crooner with the biiig voice and truck loads of sex appeal is nothing if not gorgeous and sexy ...Her and this state ? Cant think of it .
So I saw these pictures today and laughed my way to work.Still have a few good laughs left in me .These pictures are realistically impossible.I mean these women would probably die than entertain such a thought.But it was hilarious,even if only for just a few minutes .
Keeping watching this space for Part II and III.